Music Video Presentation

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


My music video is finished in it's editing stages and now has been exported onto dvd for viewing.
I am now working on my evaluation.

I am looking to show my music video so I can obtain feedback from viewers in order to complete the rest oof my evalution.
"For your 300-word evaluation you will need to cover two main areas. Firstly you need to evaluate how relevant your video is in reference to other videos of its genre. Does it match the styles and conventions? How? What videos is it similar to?You will then need to give an account of audience reaction, what where the responses? Did they feel it was similar to other types of music video? Which videos?Post your evaluation up and print it to complete the assignment."


I have spent all down Brighton filming the whole of my music video. I have over an hours worth of footgae so i can make sure i have all i need for when i proceed to the editing stages of my video.

I have already booked up an editing computer to start next week for the whole day on Tuesday 25th of March. Hopefuly I can edit and finish it all in one day.